CLEARANCE Crown Chakra Balancing Essential Oil Blend–GET 30% OFF! SAVE $9.60 NOW.


CLEARANCE Crown Chakra Balancing Essential Oil Blend–GET 30% OFF! SAVE $9.60 NOW.

Sale Price:$22.40 Original Price:$32.00

With essential oils of lavender, sandalwood, spruce, frankincense; and fractionated coconut oil. 0.5 oz.

Place a small amount on your fingertip and lightly massage into the center point of the crown chakra on the top of the head.

The crown chakra is the seat of our supreme accomplishment often represented in ancient illustrations as a halo floating overhead.

Like the colorless light which combines all the colors of the visible spectrum of sunlight, this seventh chakra combines all the energies of the six lower chakras. It harmoniously integrates the activities of the other six chakras.

With an open crown chakra, what you previously understood intellectually and/or intuitively you now fully perceive with perfect and holistic comprehension.

This is a supreme accomplishment because now you’re able to finally see the whole picture. You realize that both the subject and object of your perception were never separated after all. You realize that All is One.

When the seventh chakra is completely open, it absorbs cosmic energies. Although you play a role in the opening of the other six chakras, when it comes to the seventh chakra, it’s a matter of receptivity and openness, in particular, during the years of greatest seventh chakra activity – ages 43 to 49. 

More on the crown chakra

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