Heart Chakra Balancing Essential Oil Blend

With essential oils of rose, neroli, melissa, lavender, blue tansy; in a carrier oil base of fractionated coconut oil

Place a small amount on your fingertip and lightly massage into the center point of the heart chakra in the center of the chest.

0.5 oz.

Because of the presence of potent natural essential oils, all products have the following warning: “Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women."

Heart Chakra Oil: Feel the Power of Love. Empower yourself to express compassion, kindness, and patience. Appreciate the beauty of all the arts.

You need healthy functioning of your heart chakra to feel and express compassion, kindness, and patience. Connect with the beauty of all the arts. Balance the energy of the heart region for an open vibrantly loving heart chakra.

Chakras are also called seals. Your fourth seal or chakra obviously locates itself in the heart region of the chest—behind the sternum and below the neck. Commonly called the heart chakra, Hinduism names this seal the Anahata. The heart seal opens front and back.

Figure of the human body and location of major glands with illustration of corresponding chakras superimposed

Image before the addition of chakras, courtesy of Environmental Protection Agency; “Overview of the Endocrine System,” EPA, www.epa.gov/endocrine-disruption/overview-endocrine-system.

The fourth heart chakra relates to the endocrine thymus gland just above the heart.

The color we associate with the heart chakra frequency is green.  Hinduism symbolizes the heart chakra with the twelve-petaled lotus.

The core principle of the heart chakra encompasses the power of love. This great power encompasses compassion, kindness, patience and artistic expression and appreciation.

Physical Aspects Relating to the Heart Chakra

Particular parts of the body influence your heart chakra frequency and vice versa:

  • heart

  • middle back

  • ribcage

  • lower lungs

  • blood (often seen as metaphor for joy of life)

  • blood circulation

  • skin.

The Gland Associated with the Heart Chakra

In our blog about the thymus gland, we wrote:

… the fourth chakra seal located in the region of the Heart is associated with unconditional love and the thymus gland. When this seal is activated or when Heart is healthy and in balance, a flow of love is expressed and felt.

The thymus gland regulates growth and controls the lymph system.

Most importantly, the thymus gland produces T cells responsible for fighting off disease.

Making the connection between properly flowing heart chakra frequency and healthy thymus gland, you can see how an open loving heart will contribute to a more robust immune response.

Heart Chakra–Bridge Between Upper and Lower Chakras

The heart chakra lies at the center of the entire chakra system. It forms a bridge between the three lower psycho-emotional chakras and the three higher mental-spiritual chakras.

The heart chakra symbology in Hinduism demonstrates this bridging energy.

Two oppositely inverted and superimposed triangles represent the integration of the three upper-superior and three lower-inferior chakras. It forms the image of a hexagonal star.

Perfect Union Energy of Heart Chakra Frequency

The heart chakra corresponds to your sense of touch as well as the element of free flowing air in Ayurveda.

With balanced heart chakra frequency you freely identify with and feel the beauty of nature, musical harmony and all the arts.

Well balanced heart chakra frequency supports you to realize perfect union through love. When your heart chakra is open and functioning harmoniously with all the other chakras you become a virtual medium of love. You seek to unify our world with a strong desire to offer healing to those around you.

You radiate natural warmth, compassion and cheerfulness.

Adverse Effects of Out-of-Balance Heart Chakra Frequency

Imbalanced heart chakra frequency expresses in many ways.

  • You give with strings attached, expecting gratitude or some sort of equal return.

  • Disappointment takes over your emotions when others don’t respond in kind to your kindness.

  • Frustration, sadness, fear of separation or vanishing love replace the pure love you could otherwise share.

  • You find it difficult to accept love and to approach others with a loving heart.

  • Tenderness and kindness from others make you feel uncomfortable.

  • You convince yourself you don’t need others’ love.

  • Protecting yourself from lack of love or consideration from others overrides the love you can offer others.

When you ignore your heart chakra frequency it can get blocked making you feel needy. You can’t give love to yourself. Instead you become dependent on others for love and attention.

If someone rejects you, you become deeply upset, especially if you’d opened your heart for once. So you withdraw into your shell, sad and depressed. You’d like to share your love but you can’t because you’ve convinced yourself:

  • you’re incapable of loving or

  • everyone hurts you so what’s the use?

Keeping a closed heart and living with stuck heart chakra frequency makes you cold and indifferent. This will only cause you more suffering.

Balancing Heart Chakra Frequency

Often, just being aware that one of your chakras is out-of-balance helps you begin changing attitudes, thoughts and emotions that haven’t served you. This action alone—when coming from authentic desire—can get you on the road to elevated, balanced heart chakra frequency and energy flow.

You may also want to seek out a reputable chakra balance practitioner. These practitioners often use color, gemstones, sound and/or light to support your energy centers. You can also do the same for yourself at home.

Heart Chakra Oil (this page) is a simple, excellent and effective way to bring your heart chakra frequency to balance.