Root Chakra Oil: Balance prevalent feelings of fear, anger and worry about survival. Raise your root chakra frequency with this oil.

The red Hindu symbol of the muladhara root chakra
Root Chakra Balancing Essential Oil Blend

Essential oils of peppermint, frankincense, sandalwood, clove, vetiver; in a carrier oil base of fractionated coconut oil

Place a small amount on your fingertip and lightly massage into the center point of the root chakra at the tip of the tailbone.

0.5 oz.

Because of the presence of potent natural essential oils, all products have the following warning: “Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women."

You need healthy functioning of your root chakra in order to live a healthy life. For root chakra healing, balance the energy of your root chakra.

Chakras are also called seals. Your first seal or chakra generally locates itself between genitals and anus. Commonly called the root chakra, Hinduism names this seal the Muladhara. The root seal opens downwards.

Image before the addition of chakras, courtesy of Environmental Protection Agency; “Overview of the Endocrine System,” EPA,

The first root chakra relates to the adrenal glands (although many relate them to the second sacral and third solar plexus chakras). Your adrenals play a key role in survival triggering the fight or flight reaction.

Ayurveda teaches that latent female kundalini energy lies coiled in the root chakra. It waits to be awakened to bring you to your highest spiritual potential. When kundalini energy issues from the root chakra and travels all the way up the spine to the seventh crown seal you are enlightened.

The color we associate with the root chakra frequency is red.  Hinduism ascribes the four-petaled lotus its symbol.

The core principle of the root chakra embraces primal energy. This primal energy seeks to live and survive sustained by tribal, family or other group energy like nation or organization.

Physical Aspects Relating to the Root Chakra

Particular parts of the body influence your root chakra frequency and vice versa:

  • spinal cord

  • bones

  • teeth

  • nails.

These aspects also include everything located near it:

  • anus

  • rectum

  • large intestine

  • prostate.

Your red blood and entire cellular structure also relate to the root chakra frequency.

The Gland Associated with the Root Chakra

Each chakra aligns with a gland. In the case of the root chakra, the endocrine adrenal glands closely relate to this seal.

The adrenals secrete adrenalin to adapt the body to the same urge we know the root chakra frequency for: urgent needs of survival.

Adrenals also play a dominant role in keeping body temperature even.

Root Chakra–Source of Vital Energy

The first root chakra plays primary source of all aspects of your vital energy: physical, sexual, mental, and emotional.

The root chakra frequency channels life force running throughout the body into physiological activities you need to survive.

Telluric Frequencies of Earth and the Root Chakra Frequency

Telluric energies of Earth penetrate your first seal and affect your root chakra frequency. This intercommunication supports you to ground yourself and relate with the spirit of Mother Earth.

This symbiosis between Earth energies and your root chakra frequency motivates you to garner material security. It ensures the survival of the species and the tribe primarily through the sexual urge of this chakra.

When you by the beliefs and values of groups you belong to rather than live by your own inner beliefs (and almost everyone does) you feel anguish of the root chakra energy center.

When you balance your root chakra frequency and emotion of anguish you get to feel a greater sense of security and well-being.

Root Chakra Healing and Harmony with Earth

Two internal states must exist to achieve root chakra healing and frequency balance:

  • Your root chakra must be open and free of energy blocks.

  • Your root seal must be able to work in harmony with the other six chakras.

With these you’ll feel a deep personal connection with Earth and its creatures. You’ll encourage the flow of all the vital life force you require. You feel stable and enjoy the comfortable feeling of belonging.

Adverse Effects of Out-of-Balance Root Chakra Frequency

If your root chakra maladapts to the other six chakras, many basic unhealthy obsessions take control:

  • possessing and achieving material gain will dominate your thoughts;

  • excessive sensual stimulation and pleasure will drive your senses;

  • immediate gratification dominates your thinking and without regard to any potential consequences;

  • giving and receiving freely feels awkward to you;

  • considering needs of others doesn’t enter your thoughts; ignoring the needs of a healthy body you ignore;

  • tending to basic needs in life you leave untended;

  • confidence is weak and insecurity strong in your character;

  • fear of limitations imposed on you by others you too readily accept provoking anguish and stress;

  • your constitution weakens;

  • fear, anger and violence dominate your emotions;

  • standing up for yourself is a dormant practice.

Balancing Root Chakra Frequency

Often, just being aware that one of your chakras is out-of-balance helps you begin changing attitudes, thoughts and emotions that haven’t served you. This action alone—when coming from authentic desire—can get you on the road to elevated, balanced root chakra frequency and energy flow.

You may also want to seek out a reputable chakra balance practitioner. You may also want to seek out a reputable chakra balance practitioner. These practitioners will use color, gemstones, sound and/or light to support your energy centers. You can also do the same for yourself at home.

Root Chakra Oil (this page) is a simple, excellent and effective way to bring your root chakra frequency to balance.