Sacral Chakra Oil: Feel more empowered to make individual choices based on your values and beliefs.

Sacral Chakra Balancing Essential Oil Blend

With essential oils of jasmine absolute, petitgrain, patchouli, geranium rose, pine; in a carrier oil base of fractionated coconut oil

Place a small amount on your fingertip and lightly massage into the center point of the sacral chakra just below the navel.

0.5 oz.

Because of the presence of potent natural essential oils, all products have the following warning: “Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women."

You need a balanced sacral chakra to enjoy a healthy sense of connection with other people. Balance the energy of the sacral chakra and you’ll enjoy sacral chakra healing.

Chakras are also called seals. Your second seal or chakra generally locates itself three fingers below the belly button. Commonly called the sacral chakra, Hinduism names this seal the Svadisthana. The sacral seal opens front and back.

Image before the addition of chakras, courtesy of Environmental Protection Agency; “Overview of the Endocrine System,” EPA,

The second sacral chakra relates to the gonads (testes or ovaries) that produce sex hormones involved in the reproductive cycle. These gonads can cause dramatic mood swings.

The color we associate with the sacral chakra frequency is orange.  Hinduism ascribes the six-petaled lotus its symbol.

The core principle of the sacral chakra embraces your desire to exercise your personal power of choice no matter what anybody thinks. The sacral chakra frequency in balance helps you develop a sense of personal identity as a result of the choices you make. This primal energy seeks to live free from tribal constraints and empowered by your personal beliefs.

Physical Aspects Relating to the Sacral Chakra

Particular parts of the body influence your sacral chakra frequency and vice versa:

  • genitals

  • bladder

  • kidneys.

These aspects also include everything liquid in the body:

  • blood

  • lymph

  • gastic juices

  • sexual fluid.

Glands Associated with the Sacral Chakra

Each chakra aligns with a gland. In the case of the sacral chakra, the endocrine gonads—ovaries and testes—closely relate to this seal. They determine the sex of the embryo and in particular, ovaries control the female menstrual cycle.

Sacral Chakra–Driver of Relationships

Where the first root chakra drives survival of the tribe, the second sacral chakra drives primal individual emotion. The balanced sacral chakra frequency corresponds to the source of all biological life—the element of Water in Ayurveda. Sexual desire originating at the sacral chakra encourages relationship, love of the other and conception.

Sacral Chakra Healing and Emotional Expression

You encourage natural and unencumbered emotional expression when you have your sacral chakra frequency in balance. Conscious communication results from a well balanced sacral chakra frequency.

You can maintain your individual integrity as you engage in sexual union with a partner you love. It also encourages your love of all life and the natural world.

Adverse Effects of Out-of-Balance Sacral Chakra Frequency

Energy blocks in the sacral chakra frequency most often occurs during puberty. Such blocks happen when a child did not experience tenderness and body contact during infancy and early childhood. It results in a refusal to accept healthy adult sexuality. It impedes a sense of personal power closing the door to expression of inner emotions and creative energies.

Parents with their own repressed sensuality tend to pass on their dysfunction to their child’s sacral chakra frequency. They can limit the experience of normal sensual expression in the child. And the child grows into an adult profoundly sensually disconnected. The now grown adult develops separation feelings and behaviors and will avoid being vulnerable with other people.

Balancing Sacral Chakra Frequency

Often, just being aware that one of your chakras is out-of-balance helps you begin changing attitudes, thoughts and emotions that haven’t served you. This action alone—when coming from authentic desire—can get you on the road to elevated, balanced sacral chakra frequency and energy flow.

You may also want to seek out a reputable chakra balance practitioner. You may also want to seek out a reputable chakra balance practitioner. These practitioners will use color, gemstones, sound and/or light to support your energy centers. You can also do the same for yourself at home.

Sacral Chakra Oil (this page) is a simple, excellent and effective way to bring your sacral chakra frequency to balance.