Shampooing Terre [Earth Shampoo with carrot extract for toxic scalp and lifeless hair • quantum energetic]


Shampooing Terre [Earth Shampoo with carrot extract for toxic scalp and lifeless hair • quantum energetic]


For toxic scalp and hair lacking vitality, this shampoo detoxifies scalp and promotes soft, supple hair. If your hair and scalp are already well in balance, use during the periods between energetic seasons.

Earth Shampoo also helps to balance the Earth element’s emotion of over-thinking, stuckness and overwhelm to help restore your sense of groundedness and a newfound ability to express creative true nature. 17 oz.

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Unique ingredients:

Lemon essential oil: anti-inflammatory, anti-irritating and astringent; relaxes nervous energy; attenuates wrinkles; used in treatment of cellulite
Cypress essential oil: the best essential oil for venous and lymphatic circulation; especially recommended for varicose veins, heavy legs or venous stases; anti-infectious
Eucalyptus essential oil: very soothing to the skin; often used in the treatment of cellulite
Vitamin C: a potent antioxidant necessary for collagen and blood synthesis; excellent anti-aging
Vitamin E: the main antioxidant of the organism; protects cells against free radicals; prevents oils from going rancid
Carrot extract: an antioxidan involved in the production of vitamin A; protects skin and hair from ultraviolet rays; softens and nourishes skin and hair; recommended to combat the effects of aging