Can you spot a Flower of Life flower? It’s a flower that unfolds the Flower of Life sacred geometrical pattern in its blossom.
Multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles forming a mesmerizing flower-like pattern effectuate the Flower of Life pattern.
Photo of a dahlia by hadot at Getty Images
Once you acquaint yourself with the Flower of Life pattern, you’ll see the geometry display itself in many a Flower of Life flower.
When you find a Flower of Life flower, carefully observe it. You’ll see overlapping circles represented by flower petals seem to infinitely repeat themselves.
This Flower of Life pattern tells us life goes on forever as it radiates the first vibratory patterns of the universe.
A mandala
The Dahlia—Flower of Life Flower
Perhaps the most obvious example of a Flower of Life flower is the dahlia.
If they could, dahlia’s petals would blossom outward to infinity just like fractals do.(1) Flower of Life flowers demonstrate the repeating fractal in nature.
Beautiful physical representation of the Flower of Life pattern, the dahlia symbolizes your spiritual journey through life. Exquisitely ethereal yet incredibly grounding, the dahlia Flower of Life flower reminds you of your spiritual and soul origin.
Resembling a mandala, pictured right,(3) you see the sacred geometry blueprint in the dahlia Flower of Life flower. Mandalas represent the primordial desire for completion of the soul.
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Flower of Life Flower seed core photo by tusharOgoyal at Getty Images
The Seed Core of the Daisy or Sunflower— Flower of Life Flowers
In the seed core of the sunflower or daisy, witness the unfolding of phi or the golden ratio(2) integral to the Flower of Life symbol.
Read all about phi and the golden ratio in another of our blogs on the Flower of Life here.
Notice the repetitive arrangement—called phyllotaxis—of seeds, florets, and petals. They wind round and round in the Flower of Life flower we call sunflower.
Hues of yellow and ochre of these Flower of Life flowers connect directly to Earth element symbolism. The sunflower grows rapidly and mightily as it reaches for sky twirling its seed core and mimicking the sun that feeds it.
Photo of a rose by loops7 at Getty Images Signature
The Rose—Flower of Life Flower
The Flower of Life pattern exhibits the sacred geometry nesting pattern.
You can see it clearly evident in the blossoming rose. One petal (or circle in the Flower of Life symbol) nests inside another inside another in a spiral fashion.
The geometric pattern of the Flower of Life represents the essential concepts of mathematics and quantum physics.
Floating in PHYTO5’s quantum energetic five element Phyt’Ether serums is a similar Flower of Life blooming of living molecules. They make PHYTO5 serums far more than vibrantly fragrant.
PHYTO5’s quantum energetic five-element Phyt’Ether serums with a five-element colored Flower of Life symbol in the background
This radiating blooming makes the serums, in fact, all five element skincare, high vibrational skincare. They’re highly energetic, alive and potent to balance your skin condition, vital energy and emotional state.
But in our formulation process we’ve gone beyond high vibrational to quantum. PHYTO5’s five element lines vibrate with a potency that registers in the quantum range of frequency.
This energetic benefit in the serums also permeates and balances the electromagnetic field that envelopes your physical body—your aura.
This is why PHYTO5 adopted the Flower of Life to represent the quantum profoundly balancing and healing nature of our five element lines of skincare.
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Use quantum energetic Water Phyt’Ether if your skin is more mature, losing elasticity and hydration. Develop a sense of zenitude.
The Dandelion and Its Puffball Globe—Flower of Life Flower
Photo of a dandelion puffball by SAIGLOBALNT at Getty Images
You can quickly notice the Flower of Life pattern in a yellow dandelion. But once it becomes a white puffball globe of exposed seeds, there a true Flower of Life flower treats you to exquisiteness from what was once a weed.
The puffball dandelion Flower of Life flower demonstrates the propagation of life as it disperses its seeds over distances carried by the breeze.
Photo of a romanesco cauliflower by _laurent at Getty Images Signature
The Romanesco Cauliflower—A Different Kind of Flower of Life Flower
Though you think of a cauliflower as a vegetable or cabbage, even its name tells you it’s also a type of flower. Cauliflower translates as flowered cabbage.
While the typical white cauliflower illustrates the Flower of Life pattern, you have to study it more to see it.
But if you’re looking for a Flower of Life Flower the green romanesco cauliflower doesn’t disappoint. Its spiraling fractal patterns will nearly hypnotize you as you enjoy its sacred geometrical formation in action.
Photo of carnations by gyro at Getty Images
The Carnation—Flower of Life Flower
Carnation petals may ruffle but the Flower of Life pattern clearly lives and grows in its blossom. The crown-like appearance of carnation’s spiraling petals reminds us of our royal heritage—our spirit.
Photo of pink asters by Изображения пользователя at Writerfantast
The Aster—Flower of Life Flower
Aster comes from the Greek word for star. This flower is so named because the heads of its blossoms radiate like the luminous spheroids we call stars.
As stars live and die, they provide nearly all the elements that sustain life here on Earth. This life-sustaining action forms the epitome of the Flower of Life pattern in nature and art.
Camellia Japonica—Flower of Life Flower
Photo of a pink camellia by akiotory at Getty Images
The Camellia flower stunningly expresses the Flower of Life pattern and frequency. Its petals nest perfectly in spiral fashion.
The Succulent—Flower of Life Flower
Not all succulents demonstrate the Flower of Life pattern but very many do.
Spot the Flower of Life geometry in many succulent varieties:
Agave Victoriae-Reginae
Many cactuses: Barrel, Fish Hook, Old Lady, Pin Cushion, Parodia, Feather and Arizona
Flower of Life Flower–Reminder of Life’s Origin
The geometric pattern of the Flower of Life represents the essential concept of quantum physics. And you can recognize it in a thing as simple as a flower blossom.
The Flower of Life flower shows us that all things emerge from:
One. Perfectly. Organized. Pattern.
And what better place to find reminders of how primordial life first issued forth and still does than in a flower blossom?
A fractal is a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are similar patterns that recur at progressively smaller or larger scales.
Golden ratio is the ratio of a larger to a smaller quantity when this is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities (i.e. 1 to about 1.618), describing a geometric proportion that is considered to be particularly pleasing to the eye.
The mandala is an intricate and usually colorful geometric figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism.