The 4th of July! A great day for outdoor celebrations, marching bands, barbecue, the beach… a welcome day off with friends and family. At the same time, how much thought goes into remembering what this holiday is about over and above the 13 colonies’ gaining of independence under the weight of the Crown of England leading eventually to the formation of our American Republic? These seminal events were the outcome of a collective state of mind of a handful of leaders representing those colonies and who have been referred to as the “Founding Fathers.”
Their state of mind was anchored by strong convictions of the rightfulness of certain critical values. First and foremost was a sense of freedom and independence from the unfair and arbitrary treatment they suffered at the hands of the English government. But the new world had inspired many who were fleeing oppressive conditions and who had made a difficult trip across the Atlantic to enjoy a sense of freedom found and the potential to more fully enjoy the fruits of their labor.
That sense of freedom included the right to pursue happiness in whichever way they could that was both legal and possible and so much so that the Declaration of Independence stressed “the pursuit of happiness” as an inalienable right.
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Now why are we talking about all of this—and from our vantage point as a skincare company?
We consider that our unique skincare line based on the principles of vital energy is more than skincare. PHYTO5 quantum energetic products come with the very important added value and potential of balancing not only vital energy but the skin and emotions as well. This makes PHYTO5 an active modality of wellness.
Wellness is difficult to achieve without a reasonable level of happiness, therefore a national and a home environment that supports our pursuit of happiness is also an environment that supports our pursuit of wellness and vice-versa.
Media regularly reports about the escalation of physical and mental health crises. We are realizing alarming increases in suicides, opioid addiction and obesity. Our population increasingly suffers the effects of mental stress from a mounting number of sources. This mental stress pervades our lives as we unconsciously develop and suffer from a sense of separation as a result of immersing ourselves in technologies. Our relationships tend to be more with smartphones, tablets and computers than with people.
Given the documented drop of the “Happiness Index” in the U.S. it’s reasonable, if not necessary, to ask ourselves if things are on the right track in our government in terms of providing its citizens with what will contribute positively or negatively to our rightful pursuit of our happiness, wellness and vitality of life objective.
In this regard, it is clear that we need to make it known to politicians that their mission is more complex than crusading for a single issue. We must let them know that we are going to need more from them if they want our votes. We deserve this and must demand it!
Photo by Patrick Brinksma at Unsplash