Continuing its track as a pioneer in the field of natural energetic skincare, PHYTO5 has developed a new formulation process resulting in revolutionary skincare. PHYTO5’s chemists at our factory in Fleurier, Switzerland found a way to elevate the vibrational frequency of our five element essential oil rich skincare to the quantum level. This is a quantum leap forward skincare consumers of any age will find especially intriguing.
The Discovery
The sub-atomic level where particles are smaller than an atom is the quantum level. This is a deeply profound space within the human body and it contributes to the body’s optimum functioning.
Accessing this quantum level within the body is rarely even approachable. But PHYTO5 found a way to access this level and vital life-enhancing information the quantum particles hold.
Then our chemists impregnated our five element lines of skincare with this quantum energy. This quantum energy is beyond the level we all commonly accept as high vibrational.
Partake of the mystique of quantum energetic formulated plant-based skincare for your exalted natural beauty and well-being. Subscribe for a discount promo code, plus get truly unique beauty tips and offers.
PHYTO5 uses the theory of water memory working with flower and plant essential oil ingredients to create quantum energetic skincare. We’ve developed a leading edge technique to intensify and activate the healing information carried by the plants whose essential oils we use in the skincare.
Deepak Chopra, M. D., author, speaker, and holistic medicine advocate, puts it this way:
“Quantum healing moves away from external, high-technology methods towards the deepest core of the mind-body system. This core is where healing begins. To go there and learn to promote the healing response, you must get past all the grosser levels of the body–cells, tissues, organs, and systems–and arrive at the junction point between mind and matter, the point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect.”
For skincare professionals, we offer a protocol called The Beauty of Emotions which is based on our quantum energetic product formulations. This is because our quantum energetic skincare works not just at the level of skin but at the level of emotions as well. Each of our five element lines balances one of the five basic emotions according to the traditional Chinese medicine.
Wood: anger and lack of confidence; transform these to kindness and confidence
Fire: joylessness or over-the-top expressions of joy; achieve joy-in-balance
Earth: overwhelm from over-caretaking and a feeling of being stuck; feel more free to finish unfinished projects and express yourself creatively
Metal: worry and regret; know that all is well
Water: fear; achieve a sense of zenitude
The Beauty of Emotions has met with outstanding results and the interest of many highly reputable European spas. Jennifer Bordeau, Spa Director of The Away Spa at the W Hotel in Verbier, Switzerland (the country’s #1 rated ski resort) says:
“The Beauty of Emotions embodies the art of living and is truly essential for a demanding international clientele constantly on a quest for skincare results and well-being innovations.”
PHYTO5 Elemental line skincare (Phytobiodermie Certified) registers at the quantum level on the Bovis Scale.
The Claim to Quantum Energy, Quantum Health, Quantum Beauty
We see evidence of PHYTO5’s claim to quantum on the Bovis Scale. This is a device developed by French physician Anton Bovis to determine the life force energy of foods.
For example, life-sustaining food like fresh organic broccoli generally emit svibrations higher than 6500 Bovis units. Positive energies are regarded to be higher than 6500 Bovis units and negative energy below 6500.
For decades, PHYTO5 five element skincare products have registered very high on the Bovis scale. They’ve consistently registered at around 12,000 Bovis units, in exact alignment with the Bovis definition of energetic: vibrating with vital energy, adding more life to life.
PHYTO5’s five element skincare now elevated to quantum registers in the 16,000 to 18,000 Bovis units range. This puts them at the profound subtle level.
Contrast this with conventional and other plant-based cosmetic products which register only in the 5,000 Bovis units range.
Quantum Energetic Skincare: Fostering Happiness and Not Just Radiant Skin
In keeping with the Five Element Theory of traditional Chinese medicine, PHYTO5 quantum skincare achieves many goals.
They balance skin conditions and vital energy penetrating the deepest core of the mind–body system.
Bypassing the grosser levels of the body and reaching the junction point between mind and matter, the products assist you to release negative emotions. Now positive ones naturally rise to the surface.
Chopra, Deepak. Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine. Bantam, 2015.