Positive emotions have a favorable effect on our vitality while negative ones damage physical and mental health and our emotional life. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) fully embraces achieving a balanced emotional state as requisite for health and wellness. And gratitude is a practice that inspires many positive emotions that result in greater wellness.
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Enriching Relationships Foster Gratitude and Wellness
When we enjoy nourishing relationships with others it naturally leads us to develop an attitude of gratitude. With the load of concerns and worries most people experience these days, if you can have even just one enriching relationship, it’s something to be grateful for. You feel more secure and grounded.
Some people are blessed with an innate predisposition to be thankful for almost all people and events in their lives but for most it requires a moment of deliberate reflection to focus on people, animals, things, conditions, and places for which to acknowledge and express appreciation. It is so important that Dr. Mercola refers to it as “a cure for everything,” and he adds: "It is free!”
Cultivate Gratitude for Wellness and Remedy for Feeling Low.
A feeling of gratitude is a blessing but it needs to be expressed to be cultivated and to become fully beneficial in our lives.
Appreciation is a next step, even more profound aspect of gratitude. It causes us to go beyond the surface of “thank you” and feel more deeply.
Feeling gratitude for anything at all is a near instant remedy for feeling low. Feeling appreciation for anything at all causes us to truly pause and deliberately savor the beauty of life. It can begin with appreciation for the simplest of things such as a smile offered, a butterfly, a tasty bite of food, a hilarious television show or a beautiful color.
Appreciation has the potential to take us to the more meditative state where healing begins to occur, “the junction point between mind and matter, the point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect,” according to Deepak Chopra.
It is this state of awareness and feeling that becomes the “best predictor of good relationships” in our lives. It contributes to a balanced and peaceful state of mind and it supports our chi energy helping us to maintain a stronger immune system and radiant health, vitality and sense of overall well-being.