The Flower of Life pattern is a captivating sacred geometry form. Awareness of the Flower of Life symbol dates back several centuries but it has always existed. The Flower of Life design is both simple and intricate. Without words, the Flower of Life speaks ‘quantum energy’ and all that issues from that energy: quantum health, quantum mind and quantum beauty.
For this reason, PHYTO5 adopts the Flower of Life symbol to depict the quantum energetic nature of its five element lines of skincare (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water).
The Flower of Life Pattern Is Mathematical.
Sacred geometry holds that mathematical and geometric principles form the foundation of all life forms and structures in the universe.
The Flower of Life symbol is considered one of sacred geometry’s most important. It represents the interconnectedness of all living beings.
Epitomizing cosmic order the innately powerful Flower of Life symbol encompasses ancient spiritual wisdom and the secrets of creation.
The Flower of Life pattern consists of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles that form a mesmerizing flower-like pattern.
“The Flower of Life pattern can be extended as a fractal, containing variations of itself within itself at all scales. It is the template of the fundamental symmetries of form in all the infinite dimensions. ”
Partake of the mystique of quantum energetic formulated plant-based skincare for your exalted natural beauty and well-being. Subscribe for a discount promo code, plus get truly unique beauty tips and offers.
Image courtesy of Sonu John @psyyych at Unsplash
The pattern of the Flower of Life symbol exhibits evenly spaced repeating, overlapping circles of equal radii in two-dimensional space.
If you love the mandala(2) of Hindu and Buddhist symbolism, you’ll immediately recognize the the Flower of Life design in most mandalas.
The oval-shaped spheres in the Flower of Life form a flower-like pattern with a sixfold symmetry similar to a hexagon.
Look closely and you’ll see the center of each circle in the pattern sits on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter.
The Flower of Life symbol exists as sacred geometry blueprint representing two fundamental desires every human being holds:
Image courtesy of Zoltan Tasi @zoltantasi at Unsplash
our primordial desire for completion
and Oneness with Source.
These quantum(3) concepts abound in all of nature of which humans are an integral part.
The Flower of Life In Nature Unfolds Its Beautiful Design and Radiates Mathematics.
Gaze at the Flower of Life symbol and the overlapping circles seem to infinitely repeat themselves. This pattern tells us life goes on forever.
Look closely at the dahlia (pictured above) or the seed core of the sunflower blossom.
They typify the Flower of Life in nature repeated within their blossoms. The pineapple and pine cone are other good examples.
Countless examples of the Flower of Life in nature wait for you to notice and enjoy them.
Whether it’s in a flower blossom or a diagram of the Flower of Life design, you’re witnessing the unfolding of the sacred geometry concept of phi or the golden ratio.(1)
Phi appears virtually everywhere—in architecture, art, nature, the human body form and technology.
We find the most inspiring appearances of the Flower of Life’s golden ratio demonstrated in nature and art.
To see phi in action, notice how plants grow and the Flower of Life pattern unfolds. You see repetitive arrangement (called phyllotaxis) of petals, seeds, florets, and some branches.
Where flowers demonstrate the Flower of Life design and the mathematical phi, you’ll also see the rows of petals numerically unfold in the Fibonacci sequence.
The Fibonacci sequences is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The simplest is the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and so on.
Take the dahlia flower and count the number of petals in each row. Each row of petals will demonstrate quantities in the Fibonacci sequence.
Sometimes called the Genesis Pattern, esoterics also call the Flower of Life symbol the Language of Silence and the Language of Light.
“[The Flower of Life] is the source of all language. It’s the primal language of the universe, pure shape and proportion.” ”
The Flower of Life Symbol Conveys Quantum Energy in Health and Healing.
For quantum physicists inclined to the spiritual, the geometric pattern of the Flower of Life symbol represents the essential concept of quantum mechanics.
Many mathematicians believe that all linguistic languages can be mapped from the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life form and design.
They tell us the Flower of Life patterns shows us in a visual way that language is energetic vibration. And just like the nested petals of the rose, the Flower of Life design forms ‘petals’ that are nested. It blooms too illustrating the first vibratory patterns of the universe.
The Flower of Life symbol communicates to you that all things emerge from one perfectly organized quantum pattern.
The dahlia is one of the best depictions of energetic vibration in the Flower of Life in nature and in language. Just as energetic vibration always radiates outward from its core so too do the petals of the dahlia in the Flower of Life design.
Quantum energy is the subtle energy that permeates all matter. It connects everything in the universe. We influence this energy by our thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
In other words, quantum energy responds to our thoughts, emotions, and intentions. And for this reason, it plays a vital role in our well-being.
PHYTO5 five-element skincare is quantum energetic. It’s extremely high vibrational skincare going beyond the level of skin to the quantum level of thoughts, emotions and intentions.
We incorporate the energy of the Flower of Life pattern and vibration into our innovative five-element formulations.
PHYTO5 five-element skincare works to align with the natural rhythms of your body. It works to restore balance and vitality to skin and exalt your natural beauty. And beyond surface beauty, because our skincare is quantum energetic, it creates overall well-being and emotional balance.
Both the Flower of Life symbol and PHYTO5 skincare remind us of the infinite healing potential that lies within each of us.
Anytime you gaze at the wonder and beauty the Flower of Life in nature, see it as the symbol of creation, beauty and eternal life it is. It embodies the potential of quantum health and healing.
And it actually emits quantum energy in its exquisite Flower of Life pattern of boundless elegance. We find no better icon to represent PHYTO5’s quantum energetic skincare than the Flower of Life symbol. Our missions and functions are intertwined and the very same.
The Flower of Life pattern illustrates the first vibratory patterns of the universe. These first vibratory patterns are your healing essence.
First, we create physical balance where our systems work harmoniously with each other and we enjoy good health.
The next level of health is called high vibrational or potently energetic. Here vital energy abounds and flows freely in the body. We’re less prone to sickness and disease at this level, but if we become ill, we can venture into the quantum realm for healing (#3).
We achieve the quantum level of health by accessing the higher quantum-spiritual realm as Deepak Chopra describes below. We go there to provoke the true healing response.
PHYTO5’s five element skincare lines are formulated to be quantum energetic. We utilize an unduplicated proprietary method to substantially elevate the vibratory frequency of essential oils of flowers and plants—the quantum frequency range.
This means that, at the very least, you can treat your skin, the largest organ of your body, to the quantum healing vibration and essence.
Remember, we said the Flower of Life illustrates the first vibratory patterns of the universe.
These first vibratory patterns form your healing essence. They’ve always existed within you.
“Quantum healing moves away from external, high-technology methods towards the deepest core of the mind-body system. This core is where healing begins. To go there and learn to promote the healing response, you must get past all the grosser levels of the body–cells, tissues, organs, and systems–and arrive at the junction point between mind and matter, the point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect.”
Dive deep into the mysteries of the Flower of Life symbol and quantum energy. Open yourself to a world of limitless holistic healing. Elevate your skincare routine to a transformative self-care ritual.
The Flower of Life Meaning Lives in the Foundational Beliefs of Ancient Spiritual and Philosophical Sages.
The Flower of Life pattern has always fascinated artists, scientists, and philosophers alike. Its exquisite precision and harmony hold significant meaning across various cultures and spiritual practices.
They found connection with higher consciousness and divine energy by integrating the Flower of Life symbol into their art, architecture, and spiritual practices.
Many spiritual and philosophical sages believe the Flower of Life symbol illustrates the fundamental forms of space and time.
Still other scientifically-rooted philosophical groups say the Flower of Life symbol is the foundation of the universe.
Many present day physicists like Nassim Haramein, founder of Resonance Science Foundation (resonancescience dot org) have resolved quantum theory mathematics to the same geometry as the Flower of Life.
The temple of Osiris at Abydos in Egypt contains the Flower of Life pattern carved in granite. This is completely appropriate since Osiris was the God associated with immortality and the afterlife.
The Phoenicians, Assyrians, people of India, Asia and the Middle East all knew about the Flower of Life symbol. And they featured it in their art. Eventually the Flower of Life design made its way into medieval art too.
R. Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome (nicknamed the ‘Jitterbug’) is an obvious representation of the Flower of Life.
The Flower of Life Pattern Gives Birth to Many Other Sacred Geometry Forms.
If we connect points in the Flower of Life design, we can identify many other sacred geometry forms nested within it.
Metatron’s Cube
Vesica Piscis created by the interaction of two circles.
Tree of Life
Seed of Life
Egg of Life
Fruit of Life
We also find all five platonic solids in the Flower of Life symbol:
tetrahedron with four faces; the pyramid
cube with six faces
octahedron with eight faces
dodecahedron with twelve faces
icosahedron with twenty faces.
Metatron’s Cube Within the Flower of Life Symbol
Metatron’s Cube is a pattern composed of thirteen circles dating back at least many centuries BCE.
It’s called Metatron’s Cube since Archangel Metatron played a crucial role in the creation of the universe (according to Jewish mysticism or Kabbalah.) Each of the thirteen circles represents one of the thirteen spheres of the Kabbalah Tree of Life.
Vesica Piscis and the Tree of Life Nested in the Flower of Life Symbol
The image of the Tree of Life nests itself within the Flower of Life and so does the Vesica Piscis.
The Vesica Piscis forms when the centers of two equal radius circles are placed on each other’s circumferences.
Every line in the Tree of Life measures out to either the length or the width of a Vesica Piscis in the Flower of Life pattern.
Leonardo DaVinci was very interested in the Flower of Life design. He studied its form and mathematical properties. The way the Flower of Life pattern seemed to connect physical reality to consciousness intrigued DaVinci.
Da Vinci very often used the golden ratio (phi) in his artwork. Remember, we discussed this mathematical concept above, also known as the Fibonacci sequence or spiral. The Fibonacci sequence and spiral derive from the Flower of Life pattern.
The Seed of Life Nested Within the Flower of Life symbol
In the Seed of Life six circles, without exception, always exactly fit around a seventh circle of the same size.
Similar to the fractal, the number seven also repeatedly appears in spirituality:(4)
seven chakras
seven colors of the rainbow
the heptonic seven-note scale in music.
The Flower of Life Symbol Contains the Egg of Life.
Adding six additional circles to the Seed of Life you produce the Egg of Life.
The Egg of Life is the second iteration in the construction process of the Flower of Life.
The Egg of Life represents fertility, new life, and rebirth.
The Flower of Life Pattern Contains the Fruit of Life Symbol.
The Fruit of Life symbol composed of 13 circles is also nested inside the Flower of Life.
It’s called the blueprint of the universe because it contains the starting point for the design of every atom, molecular structure, and life form in existence.
The Flower of Life meaning can help us begin to understand universal creation.
Sacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and proportions.
You only have to look at the Flower of Life symbol once to recognize the platform it creates for contemplating universal creation.
To start, think of it this way: Each sphere contained within the Flower of Life symbol explains another aspect of reality.
And they all interconnect and relate to each other.
The Flower of Life symbol is only limited by the circle we draw to frame it.
Left unframed, it radiates into infinity in both directions—inward and outward. It’s no wonder it represents creation of the universe.
You Are the Flower of Life Design Yourself.
Today, many use the Flower of Life a focus point for study and meditation. The Flower of Life's intricate design and harmonious structure resonate with quantum energy frequencies.
By meditating on or simply observing the Flower of Life pattern in nature, you can intensify your connection to this universal energy field. You may even feel and experience a sense of balance, harmony, and alignment.
All objects and creatures in our tangible world are believed to have emerged from the Flower of Life design in sacred geometrical essence.
We are all products of the Flower of Life’s higher intelligence, consciousness and vibration.
While the Flower of Life symbol connects all individual souls within the web of life, the universal concept of ‘as above, so below’ applies here.
You yourself are the microcosmic aspect of the Flower of Life pattern.
We emerge from our mother’s sacred womb as repeating fractals of humanity. Humanity is constantly replicating itself in the same way of the Flower of Life pattern.
And this pattern is encoded in the deepest recesses of the human body. We can access its creative nature in the quiet places of our beings—the junction point between mind and matter as Chopra describes it.
This is the quantum realm the Flower of Life represents.
And it’s where true healing begins.
We invite you to explore PHYTO5’s quantum energy formulated five lines of skincare. No one else is doing what we do.
“The higher dimensional patterns and principles revealed in the Triangles, Hexagons, and Circles of the Flower of Life, attract the human spirit back to its source and accelerate the evolution of consciousness.”
Golden ratio is the ratio of a larger to a smaller quantity when this is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities (i.e. 1 to about 1.618), describing a geometric proportion that is considered to be particularly pleasing to the eye.
Mandala: a geometric figure representing the universe and the search for completeness and self-unity; a symbolic meta-geometric circle used by Buddhists in meditation, 1859, from Sanskrit mandala "disc, circle;” adopted 20c. in Jungian psychology as a symbol of unity of the self and completeness.
Quantum: the smallest discreet quantity of some physical property that a system can possess
Fractal: "never-ending pattern," 1975, from French fractal, ultimately from Latin fractus "interrupted, irregular," literally "broken," past participle of frangere "to break" (from PIE root *bhreg- "to break"). Coined by French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot (1924-2010) in "Les Objets Fractals.”
Sacred geometry images from https://pardesco dot com blogs / news / sacred-geometry-art-symbols-meanings
Roth, Stephanie. The Cosmic Visions of Hildegard of Bingen. TheEcologist dot org. January 2000.
Melchisedek, Drunvalo. The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Light Technology Publishing, Flagstaff, AZ. 1999.
From Archangel to Geometry: Metatron's Cube and Its Spiritual Legacy. N.p., M.A. Hill
Vantari, Narada Dan. Understanding Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life: A Higher Dimensional Perspective on an Ancient Wisdom Stream. Australia, Dan Vantari, 2017.
Harper, Douglas. “Quantum.” Etymology Online. 2001. Search: quantum
Harper, Douglas. “Quantum.” Etymology Online. 2001. Search: mandala
Harper, Douglas. “Quantum.” Etymology Online. 2001. Search: fractal