Good breast health requires good lymph and blood circulation.
Lymph is a colorless fluid containing white blood cells responsible for protecting the body against viruses and bacteria. They even trap cancer cells.
Lymph bathes the tissues and drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream. Lymph filters through the lymph nodes—small swellings in the lymphatic system located throughout the body.
We find the largest groupings of lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, and groin areas.
Since lymph drains impurities into the bloodstream. Increased blood flow frees up stagnating fluid circulation and increases the elimination of impurities. You want to do what you can to stimulate blood flow. This creates more healthy breasts and on the overall, more luminous skin.
When you improve blood circulation you encourage tissue repair and renewal. Better blood flow distributes nutrients, especially oxygen, throughout the body, breasts and skin.
Breast care through improving circulation assists lymph to carry away metabolic wastes, toxicity and pathogens that must be eliminated for good breast health.
DIY breast care is simple and easy.
Many spa and wellness practitioners can help you support your own breast health. Technicians comfortable working in this arena can educate you on the importance of good breast care at home.
Learning good at-home breast care is important not just for women but men as well.
For your best breast care at home, click here to download a free breast massage tutorial. This graphic presentation is easy to understand and simple to do.
PHYTO5 trained professionals around the country offer treatments beneficial for releasing congestion, breast soreness, discomfort caused by underwire bras, and changes to the body before, during and after menopause.
Many PHYTO5 professionals offer advanced treatments using the Biorhythmic Drainer,(1) Chromapuncteur,(2) and Biostimulateur(3).
Some of these professionals incorporate these treatments with thermography(4) which can be an alternative to mammograms helping you proactively improve and maintain breast health.
Part of breast care is knowing the truth about over-diagnosis of breast cancer.
Overdiagnosis is the detection of cancers that would not have been identified clinically in someone’s remaining lifetime. The problem is that we cannot distinguish between these harmless cancers that wouldn’t have given any symptoms or presented any difficulty for the bearer and those that are dangerous. Therefore the standard is to treat all of them.
For example, virtually all over-diagnosed breast cancers are treated by surgery, many with radiotherapy and some with chemotherapy. —Peter Gotzsche in Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies and Controversy. United States, CRC Press, 2021.
The author goes on to say in this same book that diagnoses are correct most of the time, however the cancer is inconsequential.
Over the past several decades, an estimated 1.3 million American women have actually been over-diagnosed with breast cancer that posed no threat to their lives.
In 2008, doctors over-diagnosed an estimated 70,000 women with breast cancer in the U.S. alone accounting for 31 percent of all breast cancers diagnosed that year.
… for every one breast cancer death avoided, somewhere between two to ten women are over-diganosed. —Dr. H. Gilbert Welch et al. in Overdiagnosed: Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health. United States, Beacon Press, 2012.
We aren’t advocating that you stay away from your doctor or testing. And we don’t claim to give any kind of medical advice in this article. Screening for potential breast cancer is a choice you make after you well inform yourself about this issue.
If you notice symptoms, we urge you consult your doctor.
Concerning over-diagnosis of breast cancer, Gotzsche further says:
… errors… are fess less likely to occur when patients consult a doctor because of symptoms, e. g. the finding of a hard mass in the breast, than when the whole population in a certain group is invited to screening.
Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, says women who tend to be most at risk for breast cancer have difficulty nurturing themselves and receiving pleasure.
Embrace a practice of breast care, self-care, self-love and self-acceptance. These are an important part of creating physical, mental and emotional wellness and vitality.
(1) The Biorhythmic Drainer mechanically reproduces the gentle movements of a manual massage intent on moving fluids.
(2) The Chromapuncteur produces energetic frequencies from the visible spectrum of electromagnetic waves in alignment with the energies of the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and of the seven major energetic centers (chakras) in order to balance the client's vital energy.
(3) The Biostimulateur is a sophisticated tool to balance vital energy working on points. meridians, and reflex zones with pre-calibrated mechanical vibrations. It also provides toning and dispersing frequencies.
(4) A thermogram is a test that uses an infrared camera to detect heat patterns and blood flow in body tissues such as in the breasts. Digital infrared thermal imaging (DITI) is the type of thermography preferred by some medical professionals. The use of DITI is based on the principle that metabolic activity and vascular circulation in pre-cancerous and cancerous breast tissue is almost always higher than in normal breast tissue.
Welch, H. Gilbert, et al. Overdiagnosed: Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health. United States, Beacon Press, 2012.
Gotzsche, Peter. Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies and Controversy. United States, CRC Press, 2021.
Reyna, Alexa. Breast Massage and Acupressure: For Improved Breast Health and Increased Fullness. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.