Here’s how negative ions occur in the example of the thunderstorm:
After a thunderstorm raindrops strike the earth. Water droplets split into larger positively charged particles and smaller negatively charged particles. And the smaller negative particles repel from earth’s negative surface back up into the air (negative repels negative).
As electrons leave water molecules they attach themselves to oxygen molecules. Once an atom or molecule acquires more electrons than protons it instantly becomes a negative ion.
Science calls this natural action the Lenard effect named for German physicist Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard. Although he didn’t discover negative ions Lenard did scientifically prove that air is negatively charged in certain natural conditions like the waterfall.
Negative ions benefits and health go hand in hand. They give us enormous health benefits based on increased energy and vitality. We can say this because naturally occurring negative ions in air, ground, plants and water enhance our own internal electrical conductivity.
The more you daily expose yourself to the negative ions benefits from these natural sources, the more energy and vitality you’ll enjoy.
Earth’s sand, soil, grass abound with negative ions that raise from the rocks underground. The sun, cosmic radiation and lightning strikes also offer us negative ions. They float in the air and also go into the natural ground surface under our feet.
Depending on what time of day you choose to enjoy sunlight, you’ll subject your skin and body to either positive ion harm or negative ions benefits. The sun emits different light frequencies and energy depending on its height and trajectory in the sky.
The midday sun causes major proton generation dumping masses of positive hydrogen ions into the atmosphere. These positive ions pelt your eyes and skin.
It’s better to enjoy either the sunrise or sunset because both generate a copious buffer of negative ions benefits.
Or connect your bare skin with the ground to absorb vitality generating negative ions. Walk barefoot or lay down on the ground for at least 15 minutes at a time. We call this action earthing or grounding—your natural gateway to negative ions benefits.
As soon as your skin makes contact with organic negative ion surfaces, you create a natural pressure gradient between the negatively charged earth and your body. Negative ions immediately transfer into your body through the skin for as long as you keep skin and body and the negatively charged medium in contact.
Negative Ions Skin Benefits: Better Circulation of the 5 Fluids
Contrary to synthetic ingredient skincare devoid of negative ions skin benefits, PHYTO5 5-element quantum energetic skincare is naturally formulated. PHYTO5 skincare is rich with natural plant-based hero ingredients—bringing negative ions skin benefits right to your skin.
PHYTO5 skincare works to balance the five fluids present in skin for improved radiance and exalted natural beauty. Almost without even trying, PHYTO5 deliver negative ions skin benefits to your skin.
Each of these five fluids corresponds to one of the five elements in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). And each of these five fluids, especially when balanced, offer you negative ions skin benefits.
The five fluids are:
vital energy: energetic Spring and the Wood element
red blood: energetic Summer and the Fire element
lymph: each of the four 18-day transition periods of the Earth element, bridging one of the other four seasons to the next
blue blood: energetic Fall and the Metal element
water: energetic Winter and the Water element.
Grounding improves circulation of both red and blue blood so necessary for skin health.
By improving circulation, negative ions skin benefits also include improved lymphatic flow.
Lymph is a colorless fluid containing white blood cells that bathes tissues and drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream. Radiant skin health and beauty demand good lymph flow.
Earthing also supports the flow of vital energy which is another requisite for natural beauty and skin health. It enhances cellular health vital to skin. (And it also supports good brain function.)
Negative ions you naturally absorb also supports you to maintain moisture balance in body and skin.
Negative Ions Skin Benefits: Balanced pH
Negative ions also help restore an optimal pH level important for health and skin. It shifts your body’s indicators blood acid-base balance to alkaline.
Lay on the earth or walking barefoot on it for several minutes a day and help alkalize your skin.
Negative Ions Skin Benefits: Counteract Harmful Positive Ions in Some Skincare Contains
Many cosmetics, fragrances, shampoos, conditioners and body washes are formulated with synthetic ingredients with a plethora of harmful positive ions.
They bombard skin, hair and body with too many positive ions. Fluoride toothpastes generate many positive ions.
It makes complete sense to use only natural skin, hair and personal care products if you want to reduce your exposure to positive ion bombardment.
Negative Ions Skin Benefits: Mitigating Signs of Aging
Theoretically, if skin cells contain positively ion charged free radicals and they do, then negative ions should slow signs of aging and cell damage. This is because negative ions bond to free radicals that hold a positive charge.
Since skin is permeable to negative ions, it better absorbs the nourishment from quality natural skin care products. These naturally formulated products also help you maintain moisture in skin. Radiant dewey skin looks younger.
Negative Ions Skin Benefits: Accelerated Wound Healing
Studies demonstrate accelerated wound healing when the wound’s exposed to negative ions. Negative ions skin benefits include rapid closure of the wound beginning at skin level.
One among them, a 1986 study published in General Physiology and Biophysics, showed that accelerated wound healing occurred in rats whose skin was exposed to negative ions for three hours.
The researchers also found that harmful microorganisms (Clostridium perfringens and Staphylococcus aureus) proliferated on oxygen deprived skin. Negative ions pulsed onto the injured tissue immediately killed the harmful microorganisms.
Are negative ions good for you? Absolutely. Stay away from these positive ion generators.
Unfortunately, positive ion poisoned atmospheres form the foundation of today’s modern living. Western technology is distorting the electrical charge of the air we breathe. So we need to take proactive measures against this.
Here's a list of positive ion generating offenders:
man-made fragrances and chemicals
modern structures of concrete, steel, plastic
mobile phones
cell towers
power lines
office buildings with central heat and A/C
hermetically sealed high-rise apartments
automobile exhaust fumes
off gassing of man-made plastics, paint, etc.
factory fumes
synthetic fibers
air pollution
industrial waste
state-of-the-art insulation (actually prevents negative ions from entering the building)
(1) Cilia are small slender hair-like structures on the surface of all mammalian cells. They play a major role in locomotion as they move water to the cell in a regular movement.
Donsbach Ph.D., D. Sc., N. D., D. C., Kurt W. Dr. Donsbach Tells You What You Always Wanted to Know About Negative Ions. The International Institute of Natural Health Science. Huntington Beach, CA. 1981.
Mindell R.Ph., M. H., Ph. D., Earl. The Happiness Effect: The Positive Benefits of Negative Ions. Square One. November 2015.
Matadeen, Harry. Negative Ions: The Grand Unifier Of Health And Life. Self-published. September 2019.
Robertson, Sheena. “Negative Ions and Anti Aging.” Guardian Liberty Voice, 4 Dec. 2020,
“Role of Vegetation in Enhancing Radon Concentration and Ion Production in the Atmosphere.” Environmental Science & Technology,