The positive impacts of good chakra balance benefit not just body but mind and spirit too. How positively chakra balance can affect you depends on your receptivity. When you understand and balance your chakras you create wonderful energy balance in your whole body system.
Defining the Chakras in Chakra Balance
Chakras are the most important energy and power centers of the body. When you have good chakra balance your seven chakras function harmoniously. Your body is able to live healthy, full of vitality and in a state of serenity.
Chakras are the source of psychological and neurological attributes that affect each and every aspect of your life - your mental strengths and weaknesses; what defines you as a person; how you feel about yourself; how you treat yourself and others around you; what types of choices you make in life; and even how you feel about the world around you.
They encompass and influence every significant portion of your personality which defines who you are as a person. —Yanobi Zhou in Chakra Balancing
Chakras are the seven divine energies contained within the physical body. Each one shines outward and shapes your ethereal soul and physical body.
Chakras are often called seals of energy. As spinning vortices of energy, seal is actually the more appropriate name for chakra. A chakra is the point where two energies intersect.
Each chakra receives, stores, and distributes its particular energy in harmony with the vibrations of one of the seven components of Light. Even mammalian animals have chakras.
The seven chakras emit Light energy generally the color of one of the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
These constitute the primary sustaining source of energy on Earth:
the sun, without which life cannot exist;
the regulating flow of vital energy essential to life.
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Here’s a simple model for understanding the thoughts and emotions associating to each chakra:
Root chakra(1) at the base of the spine: The primal energy to live and survive begins in this energy vortex. Depending on your level of chakra balance of the root, you’ll either feel fearful and angry or resilient and strong.
The root chakra embodies how you relate to the groups to which you belong: family, nation, organization, tribe.
Sacral chakra(2) below the navel: The sacral, when in chakra balance, empowers you to make individual choices based on your values and beliefs. You feel strong enough—emancipated—to make these choices regardless of what the group or tribe you belong to dictates.
Solar chakra(3) above the navel: Chakra balance of the solar plexus energy center helps you realize your personal power in relation to the external world. Good solar chakra balance propels you to achieve self-respect.
Heart chakra(4): This chakra forms the bridge between the lower three chakras just discussed and the upper three discussed below.
Heart chakra balance radiates the power of love and perfect union through love. With a clear and balanced heart chakra, you feel the beauty of all the arts. Good heart chakra balance enables you to express compassion, kindness, and patience.
Throat chakra(5): Energy center of expression and communication, throat chakra balance helps you vocally express all that you live inwardly. These are your laughter and tears, and feelings of love, joy, anguish and anger.
Good chakra balance in this point of energetic Light helps you express your intentions, desires, perceptions, ideas and beliefs. Thinking and feeling become one.
Third eye chakra(6): Here you enjoy understanding and wisdom from knowledge attained when you have good chakra balance. Associating with the pineal gland, here is your seat of mental power and spiritual awareness.
The third eye chakra opens completely in few people since that opening requires a high level of consciousness. Still, with good chakra balance, the third eye chakra can work without being fully open. You’ll see evidence of a well functioning third eye chakra the capacity to visualize and intuit.
Crown chakra(7): With good chakra balance of the crown seal, and as long as you’re heart-centered and listening to your soul’s guidance, your crown and third eye chakras will work in tandem to circulate Light and information between each other.
They will create a resonant harmonic of communication and it enables you to receive Divine revelation. The crown seal in beautiful chakra balance helps you realize Oneness with the universe.
The Energy Fields Involved in Chakra Balance
You’re a holistic unit composed of several bodies of different energies. Understand that your physical body doesn’t hermetically separate itself from these other bodies.
Energy medicine understands all the bodies that make up the entire holistic you. It understands robust wellness goes beyond physical health. Energy medicine looks at and works with your entire being both visible and invisible—physical, mental and emotional.
The seven major chakras influence your hormonal glands so it’s important to achieve chakra balance for a well functioning physical body. It helps you enjoy a high level of wellness.
Chakra balance also helps you maintain a proper flow of energy and balance in your vital energy system. Without balanced vital energy flow nothing else works well in the body system. In fact, if balanced vital energy flow compromised, that’s when we begin to see signs of aging, decay, disease and death.
When you as a client, patient or self-practitioner of energy medicine accept this holistic view, the spiritual dimension becomes part of your whole picture too.
When you perform chakra balance you work with far more than the chaotic energy centers pulsating energy from within your physical body.
Several energy fields escape your normal physical vision but surround your physical body. They make you a whole being.
The first non-visible layer, the ethereal body, energetically reflects your physical body.
Beyond the ethereal body, your astral body carries the energies of your emotions.
Next, your mental body hosts the energies of your thoughts, beliefs, and intuitions.
And finally, your causal body assembles the energies of your higher or spiritual self. It affects all the other layers—ethereal, astral and mental—of your being.
All of these bodies and their energies directly impact your chakra balance:
how well you treat and care for your physical body; poor diet, lack of self-care, balance or substance abuse will adversely impact chakra balance;
whether or not you understand, deal with, integrate and then let go of emotional hurts and traumas;
the vibratory frequency of your thinking; low muddled low frequency dark thoughts and your chakras will reflect the same;
how well you bring all these activities together in a spiritually holistic way.
Take cues from these four important points to achieve chakra balance.
For extra help, enjoy the following high vibrational essential oil blends expressly formulated for chakra balance:
Simply place a small amount of oil on your fingertip and lightly massage into the center point of the chakra you’re balancing.
How Chakra Balance Affects the Aura and Vice Versa
Chakra balance and energy extend beyond the physical body into the complex of energy fields surrounding the body discussed above: ethereal, astral, mental and causal.
They coalesce to create your aura.
The physical body is actually a complex of interwoven energy fields. —Richard Gerber, MD
Energy flow within your chakras creates chakra balance or imbalance that extends into your aura.
If you bring balance to the aura, you’ll have good chakra balance. Conversely, when you achieve beautiful chakra balance you’ll enjoy a beautifully balanced aura.
Chakras form the ancient energy system discussed in the Vedas, ancient Hindu philosophical texts of 1500 to 500 B.C.E. The root chakra is called Muladhara in Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism.
The sacral chakra is Svadisthana in Sanskrit.
The solar plexus chakra is Manipura in Sanskrit.
The heart chakra is Anahata in Sanskrit.
The throat chakra is Vishuddha in Sanskrit.
The third eye chakra is Ajna in Sanskrit.
The crown seal chakra is Sahasrara in Sanskrit.
Zhou, Yanobi. Chakra Balancing: Discover How to Balance Your Chakras for Enhanced Aura Energy. N.p., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.
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