Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) works on the premise of the Five Element (Five Phase) Theory. Five seasons and their corresponding elements cycle through the year. There are five seasons instead of four in TCM. The fifth season called Earth, only 18 days long, occurs four times in the year as it bridges one major 72-day long season to the next.
In another blog, The Earth Element Personality According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, we discussed best eating practices for the Earth season. And we also discussed emotional effects in people who are in or out of balance with Earth.
When you’re out of balance with Earth, emotions get very out of balance. You’ll get a feeling of stuckness or being in a rut.
You want to get out of a rut when you feel that way as quickly as possible. Feeling stuck is no fun.
You can barely get anything done. You’re living in slow motion. You’re lethargic and low on energy.
Facing your emotional or creative rut head-on is important. It helps dodge potential physical and psychological problems associated with Earth emotional imbalance.
Being stuck in a rut usually means you’re stuck emotionally. And it often means you’ve given all your energy and attention to other people instead of first giving to yourself.
Connecting with the energy of TCM's Earth element can help you achieve balance with caring for others and yourself at the same time.
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To get out of a rut, understand how the energy of the Earth element works.
The Earth element is analogous to creation and harvest—sowing, growing and reaping. Earth associates to fertility, even pregnancy in women because it’s creative.
When you’re in balance with Earth you till the metaphorical soil and then reap a harvest from that effort. The people around you benefit because you’ve taken care of yourself first and foremost.
But if you’re out of balance with Earth energy, you end up with little to give. Giving almost all your energy to others you feel overwhelmed as a result.
Overwhelm is paralyzing and gets you in a rut and feeling stuck. Giving in to Earth’s natural tendency to worry and obsess saps your creative energy.
Know this:
“You are worth the quiet moment. You are worth the deeper breath. You are worth the time it takes to slow down, be still and rest.”
If you feel you need to get out of a rut, the way out is to increase your energy balance with Earth by connecting with it in all the ways that means.
Take time out to nurture yourself.
If you want to get out of a rut that’s emotionally driven and affecting your ability to be productive and creative, and almost all ruts are, Earth energy will nurture and support you back into fluid creativity and balanced emotion.
Take a shortcut to emotional equilibrium, creative self-expression and self-nurturing. PHYTO5’s quantum energetic Earth element line will catalyze you to obtain the balance you need.
The emotion balancing effect of this line happens because it’s quantum energetic. It’s able to penetrate the deeper mind-body system. Rarely is quantum energy even approachable but PHYTO5 found a way when formulating our five element lines. And no one else is doing what we do.
The Earth line will help you get out of a rut. It will quicken you into the emotional balance you seek so you can care for others and yourself to a healthy degree.
Feel more free to express yourself creatively with the quantum energetic Earth line.
Get out of a rut by connecting with Earth energy in these creative ways.
Garden, tend plants, and get your hands in the dirt. As you do this you’ll simultaneously process, digest and take in ideas for personal growth and progress. This act alone will help you get out of a rut.
Breathe intentionally. Inhale thinking of the spirit and energy of the Earth (Yi; roughly translated as intent, reflection, recollection) and then exhale thinking:
“I am content. I am satisfied. I am taking care of myself so I have more to give to others.”
Ground yourself by practicing Qi gong or Tai chi with a good instructor in a group setting. You’ll quickly get out of a rut as you get your energy moving.
Focus on good self-care. You’ll immediately feel like you’re giving yourself the care you deserve with PHYTO5’s quantum energetic Earth skincare. Take luxury baths. PHYTO5 provides a luxurious velvety foaming bath additive that balances energy too.
Exercise in the way that rings your bell. It’s got to be fun for you to sustain it.
Establish and keep boundaries. Free yourself from old habits and get out of a rut.
Do only what brings you genuine contentment. Make a list of ten things that do that for you. Follow your excitement.
Let go of some of the caretaking you usually do for others. They’ll be fine.
Take solo walks. Play with a pet. Read.
Change your scenery. Take a day trip to get out of a rut fast.
Nourish yourself in kind self-reflection.
Strive to learn empathy without taking on the worries and challenges of others.
Improve your eating habits. Eat to live rather than live to eat.
Eat when you feel relaxed and calm and chew slowly focusing on each mouthful.
The taste of Earth according to TCM is sweet. Get nurturing sweetness from fruits of the season with an emphasis on yellow produce, the color of the energetic season of Earth. As you eat, mindfully appreciate Earth’s bounty on your plate.
Meditate. Earth is the direction of Center according to TCM. Meditation will center you and you’ll get out of a rut pretty quickly.
The sound of the voice during energetic Earth is lilting and singing, so sing!
Moss, Charles A. Power of the Five Elements: The Chinese Medicine Path to Healthy Aging and Stress Resistance. United States, North Atlantic Books, 2010.
Harper Nichols, Morgan. Storyteller: 100 Poem Letters. United States, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.
Photo courtesy of Alisa Anton at Unsplash