To be called energetic skincare the skincare must be alive and brimming with vital energy good for skin and body. Energetic skincare offers remarkable results because it works at both the level of matter (solids and fluid including skin) and energy (vital energy). But vital energy based skincare (like PHYTO5’s) is unusual and hard to find.
Richard Gerber, MD points out just how big a part vital energy plays in our physical makeup:
“The physical body is actually a complex network of interwoven energy fields.”
Ayurveda(1) calls vital energy prana. And traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) calls vital energy qi or chi. And though both disciplines observed and understood vital energy long ago vital energy is a modern concept. This is because quantum physics has recognized and demonstrated it.
Both matter and vital energy make up the human body.
Vital energy runs through the entire body constantly animating it. There’s no aspect of the body that doesn’t enjoy the charging effect of vital energy including skin.
The most efficient skincare products and spa treatments will always be those that work at both levels of matter and vital energy. So it makes sense that if you want to treat your skin as a whole unit you should use energetic skincare.
Energy medicine tells us health issues have a root cause in vital energy imbalance. Vital energy is blocked to some degree.
When your vital energy thrives and flows freely it creates balance, health, vitality and natural radiance. And your skin is one of the first places these qualities charged with life and energy show up. Vital energy is essential for physical healing and balance.
“Your body is a field of energy, information, and intelligence…capable of perpetual healing, renewal and transformation.”
Energetic skincare brings out your natural beauty—an extension of your health and wellness—before you ever even apply makeup to your skin.
“Beauty is health made visible.”
High grade essential oils are key in energetic skincare.
The plants from which high grade essential oils are derived directly give your skin information. They’ve learned over time, often over eons of time, to survive and thrive. The information they’ve gathered is alive in their energetic essential oils. And through these oils they pass on their longevity codes to you through the skin.
In a former article, we wrote:
Our skincare ingredients penetrate the body and join the bloodstream to nourish not just skin but body. It stands to reason that nutrigenomics applies to the ‘nutrition’ we give topically to our skin…
This is why PHYTO5 creates skincare with high grade essential oils that have the ability to ‘communicate’ to the body ingesting them through the skin.
Vital energy carries survival and longevity codes to your skin in this amazing plant to human interaction. The vital energy of the plants’ essential oils affects you and your skin on the quantum level.
“If we are beings of energy, it follows that we can be affected by energy. ”
PHYTO5 chemists take two important steps when formulating our energetic skincare.
PHYTO5 is the original pioneer in vital energy based skincare.
And we’ve taken our pioneering a number of steps further.
Our chemists at our factory in Switzerland select specific blends of essential oils to create a synergistic effect. Alone, each individual oil will do one thing but together they create a symphony of activity on a whole other level. As Aristotle said: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
These expert chemists formulate our five element lines (according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine) so that they’re even more than energetic. They’re quantum energetic. PHYTO5 developed a unique way to work with the vital energy in essential oils at the sub-atomic level to bring out their quantum level coding and deliver it in our skincare.
We design our five element quantum energetic formulations to optimize and balance the energy of the five fluids of the body according to TCM. Each of these fluids associates to one the five elements of TCM:
vital energy for Wood
red blood circulation for Fire
lymph circulation for Earth
blue blood circulation for Metal
and water circulation for Water.
By balancing the energy of the body’s major fluids, you promote holistic balance in skin and the most fundamental or primary fluid is vital energy.
The Wood line of quantum energetic skincare focuses on balancing vital energy in skin.
The Wood line purifies oily skin and blackheads, lightens hyperpigmentation and stimulates the overall flow of vital energy.
It’s the energy of vital energy flow.
Since Wood is the ‘energy of the energy,’ trained PHYTO5 professionals start series of treatments with a general Wood treatment.
Consumers can also improve their overall vital energy flow by incorporating some Wood products such as Phyt’Ether serum or day or night cream. You would apply these at the beginning of a new energetic regimen to address your skin condition.
This list provides the five skin conditions of TCM and the quantum energetic line that balances each of them.
Wood: This line works to purify oily skin and blackheads, lighten hyperpigmentation and stimulate the flow of vital energy in general.
Fire: Regulate the energy of red blood circulation. Calm sensitive skin, redness, rosacea, and couperose.
Earth: Stimulate lymph flow.(2) Clarify blemished skin and fight acneic conditions. Reduce enlarged pores. Detoxify impurities.
Metal: Balance the energy of blue blood circulation. Oxygenate and mineralize. Plump fine lines and brighten skin. Decongest puffiness. Eliminate impurities.
Water: Balance the energy water circulation in skin. Hydrate, firm and tone mature, sun damaged skin.
Go beyond natural and choose energetic skincare for wellness in skin.
Skin provides an excellent medium for balancing vital energy. Always give your skincare regimen a foundation of vital energy balancing with authentic energetic skincare products.
Just because the label calls a skincare product organic or natural doesn’t mean it’s vital energy based.
Go beyond natural and choose energetic skincare strong with vital energy so you can give that to your skin. Then you’ll enjoy a truly holistic solution to your skin condition.
Ayurveda is the traditional Hindu system of medicine based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.
Lymph is a a colorless fluid containing white blood cells. It bathes tissues and drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream.
Chopra, Deepak. Grow Younger, Live Longer: Ten Steps to Reverse Aging. United States, Harmony/Rodale/Convergent, 2007.
Gerber, Richard. Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies. United States, Inner Traditions/Bear, 2001.