Vital energy is a subtle energy that flows throughout the body. It has two primary functions confirmed by quantum physics:
Vital energy connects your body energetically to your environment.
It carries intelligent information to all cells of your body.
This is how vital energy sustains and encourages vibrant life and longevity.
Vital energy forms the foundation of today’s holistic health practices:
energy medicine
wellness methodologies.
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Vital energy, though invisible, actually belongs to the material realm.
Matter and energy are two sides of the same coin. An interchange constantly occurs between energy and matter.
Einstein proved that vital energy is part of and one with our physical aspect. He proved that matter predictably converts into energy and energy into matter with his famous formula: E=mc².
And since energy and matter are interchangeable, it follows that if God created one of the two, God also created the other.
Take the analogy of water as a case in point. It’s a liquid that can also be a solid as ice or a vapor as steam. In spite of changing form, it’s always the same chemical composition: H₂O.
Creation encompasses more than simply the visible and material realm.
We can see, hear or measure some forms of energy with sophisticated scientific equipment.
Invisible realities like love, honesty, and mathematics create no direct visible effect.
Energy isn’t visible. You can’t see electricity. What you see and call electricity are its manifestations. Wind isn’t visible but its manifestations are.
We don’t yet have the equipment or the knowledge to objectively prove and measure many forms of energy. We can only surmise their existence because of the effects they cause.
This applies to the subtle energy flowing throughout your body and your pet’s. We can’t measure our vital energy but we know it exists because as it diminishes the body decays. And when it fully diminishes the body dies.
We take many natural manifestations of invisible energy around us for granted.
For instance, a wave isn’t an undulation of water moving through the ocean. A huge ripple of energy moves through water to create a wave.
The changes of the seasons reflect changes in the energies surrounding us affecting all life forms.
In the gross corporeal body, many energetic functions keep the body alive. Once the body dies, it’s still chemically made of the same substance of a second ago, but there’s no more vital energy.
When it comes to death of the body, for many it also means the soul has vacated the body. But don’t confuse the soul with vital energy simply because they’re both invisible and exit the body at the same time. They’re two distinct entities.
The soul is spiritual substance.
Vital energy is the substance of the manifested (the visible as matter or invisible as vital energy).
Spirit belongs to a realm higher than the material.
Some time honored belief systems understood the symbiosis of physical body and vital energy.
Native and Meso-American traditions and the Eastern philosophies of India, China and Japan understood the interplay of corporal body and vital energy. They understood vital energy essential for physical health. And as a result, these systems birthed a number of healing modalities and philosophies.
Gnosis sees vital energy as one of seven fundamental energies of the human being:
physical energy
vital energy
psychic or emotional energy
mental energy
energy of the will
consciousness energy and
pure Spirit energy.
African religions believe in vital energy.
The concept of vital energy appears in the manifestos of Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and Rosicrucianism.
You can see it evident in much of the imagery of Christianity. It depicts vital energy as the energy that endows life itself.
Having always existed in the human body, vital energy is even more ancient than the religions and traditions themselves.
Some people think of vital energy as esoteric and spiritual. Many think the idea of vital energy conflicts with their religious beliefs. But deeply religious people of all faiths work with vital energy in energy medicine with their integrity intact.
Only misunderstandings about the intrinsic nature of vital energy create misgivings and inner conflict. Vital energy can’t run contrary to religious beliefs since it’s a reflection of the unseen Life Force of the Infinite Itself. This is a concept most religions should have no problem accepting.
“As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul.(1)”
(1) This axiom is attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (from the Greek, Hermes the Thrice Greatest) syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth (pronounced Tay-hoh-tet). He’s the purported author of the Hermetica or Hermetic writings on subjects of astrology, magic and alchemy.
Image of Albert Einstein generated at Midjourney by the author